论坛: 轻松一刻 标题: 美国高中生需要掌握的100个单词^^(看你知道几个) 复制本贴地址    
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1. ADJURE - 恳请,请求某人发誓做某事
: to put on oath
: to charge or command solemnly as if under oath or penalty of a curse
: to entreat or advise earnestly

2. ABROGATE - 正式废除
: to abolish by authoritative, official, or formal action
: to put an end to

: sparing in eating and drinking
: used with or in conformity with temperance or moderation

4. ACUMEN �C 敏锐聪明
: acuteness of mind

5. ANTEBELLUM �C (美)战前的
: existing before the war or especially the Civil War (1861*65)

: affording an especially favorable auspice
: attended by good auspices

7. BELIE �C 掩饰,欺骗,证伪
: to tell lies about
: to deny the authority, presence, or validity of
: to prove false

8. BELLICOSE �C 好战的,形容战争贩子
: favoring or inclined to favor war or strife
: inclined to foment contention and quarrels

9. BOWDLERIZE �C 删掉不妥的
: to remove matter considered indelicate or otherwise objectionable from by expurgation or alteration
: to alter (something) by removing forceful elements

10. CHICANERY �C 狡辩,强词夺理
: deception by artful subterfuge, sophistry, pettifogging, misrepresentation, conniving, or similar artifice


12. CHURLISH - 粗野无礼的,难交往的
: of or like a churl
: difficult to work with or deal with

13. CIRCUMLOCUTION - 委婉的说,回避
: the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
: evasion in speech

: to go or travel completely around (as the earth) especially by water
: to go around as opposed to going through (as a congested area)

15. DECIDUOUS - 落叶的,非永久的
: falling off or shed at the end of the growing period
: of passing interest or importance

16. DELETERIOUS - 有害有毒的

17. DIFFIDENT - 缺乏信心,表现的谦虚
: lacking trust
: lacking confidence in oneself
: characterized by modest reserve

18. ENERVATE - 削弱,减轻;削弱了的
: to lessen the nerve, vitality, or strength of

19. ENFRANCHISE - 解放,使自治
: to set free (as from slavery, prison, or obligation)
: to admit (a town or city) to political privileges

20. EPIPHANY - 主显节,庆祝耶稣第一次露面的节
: the occasion of the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles called also Twelfth Day

21. EQUINOX - 昼夜平分点, 春分或秋分
: either of the two times each year when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are everywhere of equal length, being about March 21 and September 23 called also respectively vernal equinox, autumnal equinox

22. EURO - 大袋鼠
: a large reddish gray kangaroo (Macropus robustus) called also wallaroo

23. EVANESCENT - 容易消失的,渐渐消散的
: tending to vanish or pass away like vapor
: characterized by extreme delicacy or fineness of form, structure, or texture

24. EXPURGATE - 删除
: to cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive, or erroneous

25. FACECIOUS - 幽默的,滑稽的
: given to jesting that is sometimes crude
: characterized by pleasantry or levity

26. FECKLESS - 没精神,软弱无用
: weak in mind or body
: having no real worth or purpose
: lazy and worthless
: awkward and unskilled
: impractical and shiftless

27. FIDUCIARY - 受信托的
: holding, held, or founded in trust or confidence
: resting upon public confidence for value or currency

28. FIDUCIARY - 受托者
: one (as a corporate trust company or the trust department of a bank) that holds a fiduciary relation or acts in a fiduciary capacity to another (as one whose funds are entrusted to it for investment)

29. FILIBUSTER - 掠夺, 阻挠议事,阻碍议案通过
: the use of extreme dilatory tactics (as speaking merely to consume time) by an individual or group in an attempt to delay or prevent action by the majority in a legislative or deliberative assembly

30. GAMETE - (生物)接合体, 配偶子
: a mature germ cell (as a sperm or egg) possessing a haploid chromosome set and capable of initiating formation of a new individual by fusion with another gamete

31. GAUCHE - 粗鲁,无礼
: lacking in social graces or ease, tact, and familiarity with polite usage
: not plane
: being or designed for use with the left hand

32. GERRYMANDER - 为本党利益改划选举区分,据我所知,总统选举每州获胜只算一票,改划选区有时可以让支持自己的选民发挥最大作用
: the act or method of gerrymandering
: a district or pattern of districts varying greatly in size or population as a result of gerrymandering

33. HEGEMONY - 霸权
: preponderant influence or authority (as of a government or state)
: a government or state possessing hegemony

34. HEMOGLOBIN - 血色素
: an iron-containing protein pigment occurring in the red blood cells of vertebrates and functioning primarily in the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body

35. homogeneous - 同类的, 相似的, 均一的, 均匀的
: of a similar kind or nature
: having no discordant elements : CONSISTENT, COMPATIBLE

36. HUBRIS - 傲慢
: overweening pride or self-confidence

37. HYPOTENUSE - 直角三角形的斜边
: the side of a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle

38. impeach - 控告,检举,弹劾,怀疑
: to bring an accusation (as of wrongdoing or impropriety) against
: to inform against or give incriminating evidence against
: to convict of impropriety, misdemeanor, misconduct in office, or bias, venality, or invalidity

39. INCOGNITO - 隐名埋姓的,化名的
: with one's identity concealed or assumed to be concealed
: without recognition

40. INCONTROVERTIBLE - 无可争议的,无疑的
: not open to question

41. INCULCATE - 教导,劝导
: to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions
: to cause (as a person) to become impressed or instilled with something
42. infrastructure - 基础,基本的组织
: the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of an organization or a system)

43. interpolate - 添写, 插入新语句,(数学)插值
: to alter or corrupt (as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter
: to insert between other things or parts
: to estimate values of (a function) between two known values
44. IRONY - 铁一般的, 反话,讽刺,讽刺之事
: made or consisting of iron
: resembling iron in some quality (as taste or hardness)
: feigned ignorance designed to confound or provoke an antagonist
: humor, ridicule, or light sarcasm that adopts a mode of speech the intended implication of which is the opposite of the literal sense of the words (as when expressions of praise are used where blame is meant)

45. JEJUNE - 缺乏营养的,不重要的,无兴趣的,没经验的
: inadequate to nourish the body or relieve hunger
: devoid of interest or significance
: giving evidence of lack of experience or information

46. kinetic - 运动学的
: relating to kinetics or to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith
: of or relating to motion
: of or relating to motion

47. KOWTOW - 叩头(地道的中国话)

48. LAISSEZ FAIRE - 放任政策(尤指资本主义国家的政府对工商业者的自由),放任主义的
: a doctrine opposing governmental interference (as by regulation or subsidy) in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights

49. LEXICON - 词典
: a book containing an alphabetical or other systematic arrangement of the words in a language or of a considerable number of them and their definitions

50. LOQUACIOUS - 健谈的,滔滔不绝的
: given to excessive talking

51. LUGUBRIOUS - (故意装出来的)可怜的,悲惨的,悲哀的
: expressive of, marked by, or giving rise to grief or sorrow
: exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
: disposed to gloom

: change of physical form or substance
: such a change brought about by or as if by supernatural means
: a chemical change (as oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, substitution)
: a transformation of a musical figure or idea into a rhythmically or melodically altered repetition of the original

53. MITOSIS - 有丝分裂, 间接核分裂

54. MOIETY - 二分之一,一部分,半族
: one of two equal portions : HALF
: one of the portions into which something is divided : COMPONENT, PART
: one of two basic complementary tribal subdivisions


56. NIHILISM - (哲学)虚无主义,极端怀疑论
: a viewpoint that all traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that all existence is consequently senseless and useless
: a doctrine that no reality exists

57. NOMENCLATURE - 命名法,术语
: a system or set of names, designations, or symbols used by a person or group

: not having a sectarian character

59. NOTARIZE - 证明,确认
: to acknowledge or attest as a notary public
: to cause (a document) to be acknowledged or attested before or authenticated by a notary public

60. OBSEQUIOUS - 谄媚的,奉承的,拍马屁的
: exhibiting ready and proper compliance to the will of another
: meanly or servilely attentive

61. OLIGARCHY - 寡头政治,寡头政治的执政团
: despotic power exercised by a privileged clique
: a group or organization that is controlled by a privileged few

62. OMNIPOTENT - 全能的,无所不能的
: having virtually unlimited authority or influence : ALL-POWERFUL

63. ORTHOGRAPHY - 正确拼字,正字学
: the art of writing words with the proper letters according to standard usage
: the part of language study that treats of the letters and of the art of spelling

64. OXIDIZE - 使氧化
: to combine with oxygen or with more oxygen

65. PARABOLA - 抛物线

66. PARADIGM - 范例

67. PARAMETER - 参数,参变量
: an arbitrary constant characterizing by each of its values some member of a system (as of expressions, curves, surfaces, functions)

68. PECUNIARY - 金钱的
: taking the form of or consisting of money
: of or relating to money


70. PLAGIARIZE - 剽窃,抄袭
: to steal and pass off as one's own (the ideas or words of another)
: to commit literary theft

71. PLASMA - 血浆,乳浆,等离子体,等离子区
: the fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk that is distinguishable from suspended material (as fat globules or cells) and that in blood differs from serum essentially in containing the antecedent substance of fibrin in addition to the constituents of serum
: an ionized gas (as in the atmospheres of stars) containing about equal numbers of positive ions and electrons and differing from an ordinary gas in being a good conductor of electricity and in being affected by a magnetic field

72. POLYMER - 聚合物
: a natural or synthetic chemical compound or mixture of compounds formed by polymerization and consisting essentially of repeating structural units

73. PRECIPITOUS - 急躁的,陡峭的
: marked by great rapidity, haste, or lack of caution
: having the character of a precipice
: having very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging sides

74. QUASAR - 恒星状球体,类星体
: any of a class of celestial objects that resemble stars but whose large red shift and apparent brightness imply extreme distance and huge energy output

75. QUOTIDIAN - 每日的,平凡的,日常的
: occurring every day
: belonging to everyday

76. RECAPITULATE - 重述要点,概括,摘要
: to repeat the principal points of

77. RECIPROCAL - 相反的,相应的,互惠的,相互起作用的
: inversely related
: mutually existing
: serving to reciprocate
: corresponding to each other

78. REPARATION - 修理,恢复,弥补,赔偿
: the act or process of mending or restoring
: the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
: the payment of damages

79. RESPIRATION - 呼吸,呼吸作用
: a single complete act of breathing

80. SANGUINE - 血红色的,满怀希望的
: red like blood
: consisting of or relating to blood
: anticipating the best

81. SOLILOQUY - 自言自语,独白
: the act of talking to oneself
: a poem, a discourse, or an utterance of a dramatic character that has the form of a monologue or gives the illusion of being a series of unspoken reflections

82. SUBJUGATE - 抑制,征服,使屈服
: to bring under the yoke of power or dominion
: to force to submit to control and governance
: to bring or hold under strict control or into a subordinate position

83. SUFFRAGIST - 主张扩大某某的权利的人
: one who advocates an extension of suffrage (as to women)

84. SUPERCILIOUS - 傲慢的,目空一切的
: arrogantly superior : HAUGHTY, DISDAINFUL
: expressive of contempt : SCORNFUL, SNEERING

85. TAUTOLOGY - 同义反复,重复
: needless or meaningless repetition in close succession of an idea, statement, or word
: repetition of an act or experience

86. TAXONOMY - 分类法,分类学
: the study of the general principles of scientific classification : SYSTEMATICS
: the systematic distinguishing, ordering, and naming of type groups within a subject field

87. TECTONIC - 构造的,建筑的
: of or relating to tectonics
: of or relating to the deformation of the earth's crust, the forces involved in or producing such deformation, and the resulting rock structures and external forms

88. TEMPESTUOUS - 有暴雨的,暴乱的
: of, involving, or resembling a tempest
: marked by violent disturbance


90. TOTALITARIAN - 极权主义的,极权主义者
: of or relating to centralized control by an autocratic leader or hierarchy
: advocating or characteristic of totalitarianism

91. UNCTUOUS - 油质的,松软肥沃的
: having the nature or qualities of an unguent or ointment : FATTY, GREASY, OILY
: rich in organic matter and easily workable

92. USURP - 篡夺,篡位,侵占
: to seize and hold (as office, place, functions, powers, or rights) in possession by force or without right
: to occupy (as land or a city) by or as if by force
: to employ wrongfully
: to take the place of by or as if by force

93. VACUOUS - 空虚的,空洞的,无所事事的,无
: emptied of or lacking content (as of air or gas)
: marked by or indicative of mental vacuity or lack of ideas or intelligence
: devoid of serious occupation
: containing no element, point, or member : NULL

94. VEHEMENT - 激烈的,猛烈的,热烈的
: immoderate in strength or degree
: strongly entertained
: warmly emotional
: full of energy
: expressive of strong emotion or conviction

95. VORTEX - 漩涡,旋风,斗争中心
: a supposed collection of particles of very subtle matter endowed with a rapid rotary motion around an axis which is also the axis of a sun or a planet
: a region within a body of fluid in which the fluid elements have an angular velocity
: a rapidly spiraling column of air : TORNADO, WHIRLWIND

96. WINNOW - 簸,扬谷,吹开糠皮,精选,飞行
: to separate and drive off (as chaff) by subjection to wind or a current of air
: to treat (as grain) by exposure to wind or a current of air so that waste matter is eliminated
: to beat with or as if with wings
: to separate chaff from grain by fanning

97. WROUGHT - work的过去式和过去分词;做成的,形成的,精炼的,锻造的
: worked into shape by artistry or effort
: finished in an elaborate decorative style
: not crude or plain : FINISHED

98. XENOPHOBE - 仇外者,惧外者
: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin

99. YEOMAN - 自耕农,仆人
: a small farmer who cultivates his own land
: a person attending or assisting another (as an official) : RETAINER
: an attendant or officer in a royal or noble household performing menial services

100. ZIGGURAT- 古代亚述及巴比伦之金字形神塔(顶上有神殿)
: an ancient Babylonian temple tower consisting of a lofty pyramidal structure built in successive stepped-back stages with outside staircases and a shrine at the top


  发奋图强 为己也为家!!

地主 发表时间: 04-10-16 00:38

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B1层 发表时间: 04-10-16 01:03

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[此贴被 菜鸟先飞(szp1111) 在 10月16日01时09分 编辑过]

B2层 发表时间: 04-10-16 01:07

论坛: 轻松一刻

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