论坛: 原创软件 标题: 国际C代码混乱大赛^_^ 复制本贴地址    
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 “国际C代码混乱大赛”起始于1984年。一位程序员在看了4.2BSD里的Bourne Shell的源代码后感叹道:“天哪!这太恐怖了!”于是他在USENET的新闻组上提出,如果程序员故意将代码写得乱七八糟,那么代码究竟能乱成什么模样?[主办者的介绍]遂就举办了第一届“C代码混乱大赛”。那一届的规则很简单,就是在512字节内,最大程度的写出混乱但是可以顺利编译的完整C代码。之后,这项比赛持续举办了下去。由于是在互联网上举办的,所以参加人数众多,范围也很广。终于它变成了今天的“国际C代码混乱大赛”,并且成为众“黑客”们一展编程功力和与众不同的想象力的舞台。


文件名            概要

anonymous            prints hello world, where read is write
decot                    prints garbage, weird cpp defines (keywords for others)
laman                    prints spiralling numbers, laid out in columns
mullender              hardcoded vax and pdp-11 code to move :-) across the screen

applin                    one-liner to print hello world, with execlp
august                    cpp obfuscated, compressed, main-recursive primes in binary
lycklama                  heavily cpped with o_oo identifiers, scrolls text right
shapiro                    two defines, one 7-liner, results in a maze
sicherman              rot13 with strange #defs that create comment headers etc.

applin                hello world works under cc, /bin/sh, and f77
august                struct-heavy e-computation, memory allocation with sbrk
bright                hex dump, cpp compressed, uses lost of << for constants
hague                morse code filter written with 'DIT DAH _DIT DIT_DAH'
holloway            prints hello world! via a recursive main
marshall            train engine-shaped program prints "choo choo"
pawka              prints 'obfuscated?' big, uses xyyyx idents...
stein                prints HHMMSS in UTC time
wall                  dvorak keyboard emulator

biggar              program: "P;" defined on command line
heckbert            obfuscated fold program
hines                counts goto's, all ids anagrams of 'goto', all flow w goto
korn                  one-liner that prints a message on a Un*x system
lievaart            very good othello player
wall                  roman numeral -> decimal and vice versa conversion
westley            individually palindromic lines prints a palindrome

applin                  massive #define stuff, includes itself; prints table of primes
dale                      prints command line, using lots of system calls
isaak                    table driven table of the elements; cpp, self-inclusion
litmaath                sorts each arg using only argc, argv, and 'while(<cond>);'
phillipps                'first day of christmas', tables, heavily main() calling
reddy                    prints name of 'char *(*(foo[16])();', compressed
robison                  print e in any base, uses only --, >=, and while()
spinellis                #include "/dev/tty"
westley                  prints '3.141', circle made of '_-_-_-_' in layout

fubar              self-reconstructing, recompiling factorial program
jar.1                char*_="Hello world.\n";
jar.2                lisp interpreter, compressed
ovdluhe            monkey-typer following template, 'APE' identifiers
paul                  print fibonacci base 2 by simulating turing machine
robison            apl-expression interpreter (binary), written in C--
roemer            prints e, script-pi shaped layout, _31415 identifiers
tromp              squished tetris
vanb                one-liner prints all subsets of arguments
westley            reversible, rot13able program that reverses and/or rot13s.

baruch              short prog to solve N-queens problem
cmills                  squished blackjack game
dds                    basic interpreter, heavily compressed
dg                      rot13 done with strange cpp macros
jaw                    compress & atob standins
pjr                    the quick brown fox... cppd, structs of functions
scjones              trigraph-abusing self-reproducing program
stig                    nested-comment tester (all on command line)
tbr                    simple compressed shell, silly layout
theorem              numerically solves the equation y'=f(x,y)
westley                poetic exchange between lovers, prints "luvs me, luvs not"

ant                      compressed vi-like editor
brnstnd                sorta stack language
buzzard                walk thru a maze from a first person point of view
cdupont                prints a message without vowels
davidguy              plays life on a root window, doesn't need Xlib or include files
dds                      basic compiler, heavily compressed
fine                      rot13s lines of input
rince                    game with sprites, boulders, dimonds, and keys
westley                plays tic-tac-toe, compile output for next move, prints board

adrian                    grep-like utility using a state machine transition language
albert                      factors multi-precision numbers with factors < MAX_LONG
ant                          make utility
buzzard.1                print factorial, gcd or prime test using a Babbage-like engine
buzzard.2                forth-like stack machine
gson                        anagram generator
imc                          Mandelbrot/Julia drawer
kivinen                    X11 space invaders, dropout and knockout games
lush                        prints "Hello, World" using error messages
marangon                game to balance a grid of digits to all 5's
nathan                    obfuscation by (trivial) encryption (source not exported)
vern                        plays chess
westley                    print ASCII world map and mark a location by lat/long

ant                        egrep utility with Posix-like documentation
cmills                      X11 program that shatters and bounces windows
dgibson                  plays the game of like using cpp
ejb                        tower of Hanoi and patience pizzle
jonth                      game of Tetris
leo                        game of mastermind (cows & bulls)
lmfjyh                    source is the filename, prints value of __FILE__
plummer                prints numbers up to a given value
rince                      game state machine language, comes with a number of games
schnitzi                  answers questions about English text in a file
vanb                      calculator that prints in octal

dodsond1              plays a game of othello
dodsond2                Hunt the Wumpus (gziped source)
horton                    Plot cubic equations on a tty
imc                        print a random n by n magic square
ldb                        print a random line from stdin
schnitzi                  flips stdin along a diagonal (source mirrored along diagonal)
shapiro                  print time of day on an tty
smr                      world's smallest self reproducing program
tvr                        interactive fractals for the X Window System
weisberg                prints prime numbers
westley                  Adventure/Dungeon like game played via the C pre-processor

cdua                    Generate a maze on the scren and then solve it
dodsond1              Text to "Pig Latin" translator
dodsond2              Interactive 3D Maze
esde                      Searches for words in a file which have the same Soundex code
garry                    Environment-expansion and binary output via escaped env vars
heathbar                16 bit addition the easy/hard way
leob                      Output interesting patterns and cycles in PostScript
makarios                Emits the base 8 representation of prime palindromic in base 8
savastio                Infinite-precision factorial calculator
schnitzi                  Find divisors: where a core dump is a feature, not a bug
spinellis                  Abusing the rules
vanschnitz              Towers of Hanoi via the C pre-processor

august                  Subset of C compiler and byte code interpreter
dalbec                    Generator of strong probable-primes to a given base
eldby                    Flying 3D spheres in an ASCII display
gandalf                  Displays the ASCII and 8 bit character tables
huffman                Braille to ASCII and vice versa
jonth                      X based dual player tic-tac-toe game
rcm                      Gunzip equivalent
schweikh1              Gunzip equivalent
schweikh2              Search for a limited class of expressions that equal a constant
schweikh3              Determins the memory allocation honesty of the OS
westley                Shows the time on clock with a configurable face and style

There is no contest in this year.

banks              A flight simulator!
bas1                Outputs a gziped 3D beam maze in Postscript
bas2                determines the size of stdin under IOCCC sizing rules
chaos                Rotates and zooms an object using ASCII graphics
df                      A word guessing game
dlowe                Pootifies stdin (useful to view Microsoft html files)
dloweneil          A very addictive ASCII poot game
dorssel              ASCII / Morse code translator
fanf                  Translates Lambda expressions into combinator expressions
schnitzi              Prints a C program that sorts arguments using strange functions
schweikh1        Tests to see if your compiler and headers are standard
schweikh2          Prints random 0's and 1's; causes some gcc's as passes to choke
schweikh3          Finds duplicate files that waste disk space
tomtorfs            CRC generator

There is no contest in this year,too.

anderson                ASCII to semaphore code convertor
bellard                    Prints M6972593 (2^6972593-1) by Modular Fast Fourier Transform
bmeyer                    An image compressor
briddlebane              Verbally abuses the user
dhyang                    Saitou Hajime image that prints a prog that prints a prog ...
dlowe                      A dc-style calculator that uses embedded Perl
jarijyrki                  An X-based spreadsheet program with graphing features!
natori                      Phase of the moon
primenum                Source with English words that looks like a prime tester
rince                      Plots the positions of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter
robison                  Highly Compressed Program for Playing Hygienic Checkers
schneiderwent        Prints the aproximate time in words
thadgavin              Prints a dazzeling moving image under multiple interfaces
tomx                      C source, shell program and Makefile

  以上程序请在Unix环境下编译,或使用GCC核心编译器,例如 Dev-C++ 编译器。

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this publishment is under protection of  GPL--GNU General Public License,and is published in 天天安全网(http://www.ttian.net) by lzp729.
every person or organization CAN NOT republish this article in any publishment or web site without
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All files are stored in The Free Software Library(http://yea.xiloo.com)

地主 发表时间: 04-06-09 16:30

回复: tabris17 [tabris17]   论坛用户   登录

B1层 发表时间: 04-06-12 11:33

回复: lqfrla [lqfrla]   论坛用户   登录

B2层 发表时间: 04-06-16 01:25

回复: xingyun [xingyun]   论坛用户   登录

B3层 发表时间: 04-10-10 13:59

论坛: 原创软件

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