论坛: 网站建设 标题: 这个网站有漏洞吗? 复制本贴地址    
作者: lluct [lluct]    论坛用户   登录

Host (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) appears to be up ... good.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
Adding open port 1032/tcp
Adding open port 25/tcp
Adding open port 2024/tcp
Adding open port 3306/tcp
Adding open port 21/tcp
Adding open port 3372/tcp
Adding open port 80/tcp
The SYN Stealth Scan took 51 seconds to scan 1601 ports.
For OSScan assuming that port 21 is open and port 1 is closed and neit
her are firewalled
Insufficient responses for TCP sequencing (0), OS detection may be les
s accurate
For OSScan assuming that port 21 is open and port 1 is closed and neit
her are firewalled
Insufficient responses for TCP sequencing (0), OS detection may be les
s accurate
For OSScan assuming that port 21 is open and port 1 is closed and neit
her are firewalled
Insufficient responses for TCP sequencing (0), OS detection may be les
s accurate
Interesting ports on (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx):
(The 1530 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp filtered ssh
23/tcp filtered telnet
25/tcp open smtp
31/tcp filtered msg-auth
41/tcp filtered graphics
59/tcp filtered priv-file
69/tcp filtered tftp
79/tcp filtered finger
80/tcp open http
99/tcp filtered metagram
113/tcp filtered auth
119/tcp filtered nntp
121/tcp filtered erpc
135/tcp filtered loc-srv
136/tcp filtered profile
137/tcp filtered netbios-ns
138/tcp filtered netbios-dgm
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
421/tcp filtered ariel2
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
456/tcp filtered macon-tcp
531/tcp filtered conference
555/tcp filtered dsf
593/tcp filtered http-rpc-epmap
666/tcp filtered doom
911/tcp filtered unknown
999/tcp filtered garcon
1001/tcp filtered unknown
1010/tcp filtered unknown
1012/tcp filtered unknown
1015/tcp filtered unknown
1024/tcp filtered kdm
1025/tcp filtered NFS-or-IIS
1026/tcp filtered LSA-or-nterm
1027/tcp filtered IIS
1032/tcp open iad3
1234/tcp filtered hotline
1434/tcp filtered ms-sql-m
1492/tcp filtered stone-design-1
1509/tcp filtered robcad-lm
1600/tcp filtered issd
2000/tcp filtered callbook
2001/tcp filtered dc
2002/tcp filtered globe
2003/tcp filtered cfingerd
2004/tcp filtered mailbox
2005/tcp filtered deslogin
2023/tcp filtered xinuexpansion3
2024/tcp open xinuexpansion4
2600/tcp filtered zebrasrv
3128/tcp filtered squid-http
3306/tcp open mysql
3372/tcp open msdtc
3389/tcp filtered ms-term-serv
4321/tcp filtered rwhois
4444/tcp filtered krb524
5000/tcp filtered UPnP
5001/tcp filtered commplex-link
5011/tcp filtered telelpathattack
5400/tcp filtered pcduo-old
5550/tcp filtered sdadmind
5555/tcp filtered freeciv
5900/tcp filtered vnc
6969/tcp filtered acmsoda
7000/tcp filtered afs3-fileserver
9876/tcp filtered sd
12345/tcp filtered NetBus
12346/tcp filtered NetBus
31337/tcp filtered Elite
54320/tcp filtered bo2k
Too many fingerprints match this host for me to give an accurate OS gu ess
TCP/IP fingerprint:


[此贴被 优琳(lluct) 在 01月05日17时07分 编辑过]

地主 发表时间: 04-01-05 16:41

论坛: 网站建设

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