论坛: 菜鸟乐园 标题: 最新漏洞 复制本贴地址    
作者: seing [seing]    论坛用户   登录
类型 端口/服务 安全漏洞及解决方案
提示 www (80/tcp) 开放服务


HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 07:26:19 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 111

<html><head><title>Site Not Found</title></head>
<body>No web site is configured at this address.</body></html>
NESSUS_ID : 10330

提示 www (80/tcp) HTTP 服务器类型及版本

发现 HTTP 服务器的类型及版本号.

解决方案: 配置服务器经常更改名称,如:'Wintendo httpD w/Dotmatrix display'
确保移除类似 apache_pb.gif 带有 Apache 的通用标志, 可以设定 'ServerTokens Prod' 为受限

风险等级 : 低

The remote web server type is :


NESSUS_ID : 10107

提示 Windows Terminal Services (3389/tcp) Windows Terminal Service Enabled

The Terminal Services are enabled on the remote host.

Terminal Services allow a Windows user to remotely obtain
a graphical login (and therefore act as a local user on the
remote host).

If an attacker gains a valid login and password, he may
be able to use this service to gain further access
on the remote host. An attacker may also use this service
to mount a dictionnary attack against the remote host to try
to log in remotely.

Note that RDP (the Remote Desktop Protocol) is vulnerable
to Man-in-the-middle attacks, making it easy for attackers to
steal the credentials of legitimates users by impersonating the
Windows server.

Solution : Disable the Terminal Services if you do not use them, and
do not allow this service to run across the internet

Risk factor : Low
BUGTRAQ_ID : 3099, 7258
NESSUS_ID : 10940

提示 unknown (3000/tcp) 检测MDaemon Server的WorldClient



解决方案: 确保所有的用户名和密码都足够长,同时只允许被授权的网络访问该web服务器的端口(使用防火墙屏蔽web服务器端口)。


更多信息请参考: http://www.securiteam.com/cgi-bin/htsearch?config=htdigSecuriTeam&words=WorldClient

We detected the remote web server is
running WorldClient for MDaemon. This web server enables attackers
with the proper username and password combination to access locally
stored mailboxes.

In addition, earlier versions of WorldClient suffer from buffer overflow
vulnerabilities, and web traversal problems (if those are found the Risk
factor is higher).

Solution: Make sure all usernames and passwords are adequately long and
that only authorized networks have access to this web server's port number
(block the web server's port number on your firewall).

Risk factor : Low

For more information see: http://www.securiteam.com/cgi-bin/htsearch?config=htdigSecuriTeam&words=WorldClient
BUGTRAQ_ID : 1462, 2478, 4687, 4689, 823
NESSUS_ID : 10745

提示 smtp (25/tcp) SMTP 服务端类型和版本

通过连接服务器并处理缓冲区里接收到的数据,当前脚本检测了SMTP 服务端类型和版本。

解决方案: 修改登陆banner不包含相关标识信息

风险等级: 低

Remote SMTP server banner :
220 accessme.net ESMTP MDaemon 7.2.2
Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:32:51 +0200

NESSUS_ID : 10263

提示 pop3 (110/tcp) POP3 Server type and version

The remote POP3 servers leak information about the software it is running,
through the login banner. This may assist an attacker in choosing an attack

Versions and types should be omitted where possible.

The version of the remote POP3 server is :
+OK accessme.net POP MDaemon 7.2.2 ready

Solution : Change the login banner to something generic.
Risk factor : Low
NESSUS_ID : 10185

提示 imap (143/tcp) IMAP Banner

The remote imap server banner is :
* OK accessme.net IMAP4rev1 MDaemon 7.2.2 ready

Versions and types should be omitted where possible.
Change the imap banner to something generic.
NESSUS_ID : 11414

地主 发表时间: 06-10-29 16:47

论坛: 菜鸟乐园

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