论坛: 菜鸟乐园 标题: QQ2003最新代码 复制本贴地址    
作者: allyesno [allyesno]    论坛用户   登录
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg936\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe2052{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset134 \'cb\'ce\'cc\'e5;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red64\green0\blue0;\red255\green128\blue0;\red0\green128\blue128;\red128\green128\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red192\green0\blue192;}
\uc1\pard\lang2052\f0\fs20 2\cf1 0\cf2 C\cf3 N\cf4\'b0\'b2\cf5\'c8\'ab\cf6\'d0\'a1\cf7\'d7\'e9}

地主 发表时间: 10/10 17:17

回复: zhb7769 [zhb7769]   论坛用户   登录

B1层 发表时间: 10/10 18:20

回复: kevin1983 [kevin1983]   论坛用户   登录

B2层 发表时间: 10/10 18:21

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B3层 发表时间: 10/10 19:46

回复: moon [moon]   论坛用户   登录

B4层 发表时间: 10/10 20:58

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B5层 发表时间: 10/11 00:16

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B6层 发表时间: 10/11 00:20

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B7层 发表时间: 10/12 11:45

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B8层 发表时间: 10/12 12:33

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B9层 发表时间: 11/20 23:40

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B10层 发表时间: 11/21 01:33

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B11层 发表时间: 11/21 09:57

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B12层 发表时间: 11/21 13:06

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B13层 发表时间: 11/21 15:19

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B14层 发表时间: 11/21 15:50

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B15层 发表时间: 11/21 16:04

回复: bridex [bridex]   论坛用户   登录

B16层 发表时间: 11/21 17:26

回复: 迷絮 [catmi]   版主   登录
({\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg936\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe2052{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset134 cbcecce5;}} \fs1800000000000000000000000000000)

B17层 发表时间: 11/21 17:51

回复: etliwei [etliwei]   论坛用户   登录

B18层 发表时间: 11/21 19:38

回复: syse [syse]   论坛用户   登录
{\urtf1\ansi\ansicpg936\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe2052{\fonttbl{\f0\f\fprq2\fcharset0 comic sans ms;}{\f1\fmodern\fprq6\fcharset134 ;}}{\colortbl;\red250\green50\blue199;\red20\green230\blue100;\red250\green180\blue0;\red100\green200\blue250;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang2052\fs100 Me\cf2\fs90 rry Ch\cf3\fs80 rist\cf4 mas


B19层 发表时间: 03-12-24 19:02

回复: ceo_8008 [ceo_8008]   论坛用户   登录


B20层 发表时间: 03-12-24 19:07

回复: bridex [bridex]   论坛用户   登录
{\urtf1\ansi\ansicpg936\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe2052{\fonttbl{\f0\f\fprq2\fcharset0 comic sans ms;}{\f1\fmodern\fprq6\fcharset134 ;}}{\colortbl;\red250\green50\blue199;\red20\green230\blue100;\red250\green180\blue0;\red100\green200\blue250;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang2052\fs100 Love\cf2\fs90 kiss :)\cf3\fs80 only\cf4 you!

B21层 发表时间: 03-12-24 19:12

回复: peachboy [peachboy]   论坛用户   登录

B22层 发表时间: 03-12-24 20:18

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B23层 发表时间: 03-12-24 21:33

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B24层 发表时间: 03-12-24 21:34

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B25层 发表时间: 03-12-25 01:12

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B26层 发表时间: 03-12-25 13:10

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B27层 发表时间: 03-12-25 13:52

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B28层 发表时间: 03-12-25 14:16

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B29层 发表时间: 03-12-25 22:23

回复: zintaly [zintaly]   论坛用户   登录

B30层 发表时间: 03-12-25 23:02

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B31层 发表时间: 03-12-26 07:04

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B32层 发表时间: 03-12-26 08:36

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B33层 发表时间: 03-12-26 10:58

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B34层 发表时间: 03-12-26 11:06

回复: w [w_zh]   论坛用户   登录
Visual Basic: RichTextBox Control

Supported RTF Codes

The RichTextBox control recognizes the following RTF (Rich Text Format) codes. All other RTF codes are ignored by the control when loading text.

Note  Some of the codes listed below may not appear as expected. For example, the UnderlineDouble (uldb) code appears as a single underline.

Warning  If a code is not explicitly supported, it may be stripped from the RTF source file when the SaveFile method is used.

RTF Code Description RTF Code Description
- OptionalHyphen  objcropl CropLeft
\n EndParagraph  objcropr CropRight
\r EndParagraph  objcropt CropTop
_ NonBreakingHyphen  objdata ObjectData
| FormulaCharacter  object Object
~ NonBreakingSpace  objemb ObjectEmbedded
ansi CharSetAnsi  objh Height
b Bold  objicemb ObjectMacICEmbedder
bin BinaryData  objlink ObjectLink
blue ColorBlue  objname ObjectName
bullet ANSI Character 149 objpub ObjectMacPublisher
cb ColorBackground  objscalex ScaleX
cell Cell  objscaley ScaleY
cf ColorForeground  objsetsize ObjectSetSize
colortbl ColorTable  objsub ObjectMacSubscriber
cpg CodePage  objw Width
deff DefaultFont  par EndParagraph
deflang DefaultLanguage  pard ParagraphDefault
deftab DefaultTabWidth  pc CharSetPc
deleted Deleted  pca CharSetPs2
dibitmap PictureWindowsDIB  piccropb CropBottom
dn Down  piccropl CropLeft
dy TimeDay  piccropr CropRight
emdash ANSI Character 151 piccropt CropTop
endash ANSI Character 150 pich Height
f FontSelect  pichgoal DesiredHeight
fbidi FontFamilyBidi  picscalex ScaleX
fchars FollowingPunct  picscaley ScaleY
fcharset CharSet  pict Picture
fdecor FontFamilyDecorative  picw Width
fi IndentFirst  picwgoal DesiredWidth
field Field  plain CharacterDefault
fldinst FieldInstruction  pmmetafile PictureOS2Metafile
fldrslt FieldResult pn ParaNum
fmodern FontFamilyModern  pnindent ParaNumIndent
fname RealFontName  pnlvlblt ParaNumBullet
fnil FontFamilyDefault  pntext ParaNumText
fontemb FontEmbedded  pntxta ParaNumAfter
fontfile FontFile  pntxtb ParaNumBefore
fonttbl FontTable  protect Protect
footer NullDestination (Footer) qc AlignCenter
footerf NullDestination (Footer, first) ql AlignLeft
footerl NullDestination (Footer, left) qr AlignRight
footerr NullDestination (Footer, right) rdblquote ANSI Character 34
footnote NullDestination (footnote) red ColorRed
fprq Pitch result ObjectResult
froman FontFamilyRoman revauth RevAuthor
fs FontSize revised Revision
fscript FontFamilyScript ri IndentRight
fswiss FontFamilySwiss row Row
ftech FontFamilyTechnical rquote ANSI Character 39
ftncn NullDestination (Footnote cont.) rtf Rtf
ftnsep NullDestination (Footnote separ) rtlch RightToLeftChars
ftnsepc NullDestination (Footnote cont. separ) rtldoc RightToLeftDocument
green ColorGreen rtlmark DisplayRightToLeft
header NullDestination (Header) rtlpar RightToLeftParagraph
headerf NullDestination (Header, first) sec TimeSecond
headerl NullDestination (Header, left) sect EndSection
headerr NullDestination (Header, right) sectd SectionDefault
horzdoc HorizontalRender strike StrikeOut
hr TimeHour stylesheet StyleSheet
I Italic sub Subscript
info DocumentArea (Info fields) super Superscript
intbl InTable tb TabPosition
lang Language tc NullDestination (Table of contents)
lchars LeadingPunct tx TabPosition
ldblquote ANSI Character 34 ul Underline
li IndentLeft uld UnderlineDotted
line SoftBreak uldash UnderlineDash
lquote ANSI Character 39 uldashd UnderlineDashDotted
ltrch LeftToRightChars uldashdd UnderlineDashDotDotted
ltrdoc LeftToRightDocument uldb UnderlineDouble
ltrmark DisplayLeftToRight ulhair UnderlineHairline
ltrpar LeftToRightParagraph ulnone StopUnderline
mac CharSetMacintosh ulth UnderlineThick
macpict PictureQuickDraw ulw UnderlineWord
margl MarginLeft ulwave UnderlineWave
marglsxn SectionMarginLeft up Up
margr MarginRight v HiddenText
margrsxn SectionMarginRight vertdoc VerticalRender
min TimeMinute wbitmap PictureWindowsBitmap
mo TimeMonth wbmbitspixel BitmapBitsPerPixel
nocwrap NoWordBreak wbmplanes BitmapNumPlanes
nooverflow NoOverflow wbmwidthbytes BitmapWidthBytes
nosupersub NoSuperSub wmetafile PictureWindowsMetafile
nowwrap NoWordWrap xe NullDestination (index entry) 
objautlink ObjectAutoLink yr TimeYear
objclass ObjectClass zwj ZeroWidthJoiner
objcropb CropBottom zwnj ZeroWidthNonJoiner

Send feedback to MSDN.Look here for MSDN Online resources.

B35层 发表时间: 03-12-26 12:20

回复: w [w_zh]   论坛用户   登录
Visual Basic: RichTextBox Control

Supported RTF Codes

The RichTextBox control recognizes the following RTF (Rich Text Format) codes. All other RTF codes are ignored by the control when loading text.

Note  Some of the codes listed below may not appear as expected. For example, the UnderlineDouble (uldb) code appears as a single underline.

Warning  If a code is not explicitly supported, it may be stripped from the RTF source file when the SaveFile method is used.

RTF Code Description RTF Code Description
- OptionalHyphen  objcropl CropLeft
\n EndParagraph  objcropr CropRight
\r EndParagraph  objcropt CropTop
_ NonBreakingHyphen  objdata ObjectData
| FormulaCharacter  object Object
~ NonBreakingSpace  objemb ObjectEmbedded
ansi CharSetAnsi  objh Height
b Bold  objicemb ObjectMacICEmbedder
bin BinaryData  objlink ObjectLink
blue ColorBlue  objname ObjectName
bullet ANSI Character 149 objpub ObjectMacPublisher
cb ColorBackground  objscalex ScaleX
cell Cell  objscaley ScaleY
cf ColorForeground  objsetsize ObjectSetSize
colortbl ColorTable  objsub ObjectMacSubscriber
cpg CodePage  objw Width
deff DefaultFont  par EndParagraph
deflang DefaultLanguage  pard ParagraphDefault
deftab DefaultTabWidth  pc CharSetPc
deleted Deleted  pca CharSetPs2
dibitmap PictureWindowsDIB  piccropb CropBottom
dn Down  piccropl CropLeft
dy TimeDay  piccropr CropRight
emdash ANSI Character 151 piccropt CropTop
endash ANSI Character 150 pich Height
f FontSelect  pichgoal DesiredHeight
fbidi FontFamilyBidi  picscalex ScaleX
fchars FollowingPunct  picscaley ScaleY
fcharset CharSet  pict Picture
fdecor FontFamilyDecorative  picw Width
fi IndentFirst  picwgoal DesiredWidth
field Field  plain CharacterDefault
fldinst FieldInstruction  pmmetafile PictureOS2Metafile
fldrslt FieldResult pn ParaNum
fmodern FontFamilyModern  pnindent ParaNumIndent
fname RealFontName  pnlvlblt ParaNumBullet
fnil FontFamilyDefault  pntext ParaNumText
fontemb FontEmbedded  pntxta ParaNumAfter
fontfile FontFile  pntxtb ParaNumBefore
fonttbl FontTable  protect Protect
footer NullDestination (Footer) qc AlignCenter
footerf NullDestination (Footer, first) ql AlignLeft
footerl NullDestination (Footer, left) qr AlignRight
footerr NullDestination (Footer, right) rdblquote ANSI Character 34
footnote NullDestination (footnote) red ColorRed
fprq Pitch result ObjectResult
froman FontFamilyRoman revauth RevAuthor
fs FontSize revised Revision
fscript FontFamilyScript ri IndentRight
fswiss FontFamilySwiss row Row
ftech FontFamilyTechnical rquote ANSI Character 39
ftncn NullDestination (Footnote cont.) rtf Rtf
ftnsep NullDestination (Footnote separ) rtlch RightToLeftChars
ftnsepc NullDestination (Footnote cont. separ) rtldoc RightToLeftDocument
green ColorGreen rtlmark DisplayRightToLeft
header NullDestination (Header) rtlpar RightToLeftParagraph
headerf NullDestination (Header, first) sec TimeSecond
headerl NullDestination (Header, left) sect EndSection
headerr NullDestination (Header, right) sectd SectionDefault
horzdoc HorizontalRender strike StrikeOut
hr TimeHour stylesheet StyleSheet
I Italic sub Subscript
info DocumentArea (Info fields) super Superscript
intbl InTable tb TabPosition
lang Language tc NullDestination (Table of contents)
lchars LeadingPunct tx TabPosition
ldblquote ANSI Character 34 ul Underline
li IndentLeft uld UnderlineDotted
line SoftBreak uldash UnderlineDash
lquote ANSI Character 39 uldashd UnderlineDashDotted
ltrch LeftToRightChars uldashdd UnderlineDashDotDotted
ltrdoc LeftToRightDocument uldb UnderlineDouble
ltrmark DisplayLeftToRight ulhair UnderlineHairline
ltrpar LeftToRightParagraph ulnone StopUnderline
mac CharSetMacintosh ulth UnderlineThick
macpict PictureQuickDraw ulw UnderlineWord
margl MarginLeft ulwave UnderlineWave
marglsxn SectionMarginLeft up Up
margr MarginRight v HiddenText
margrsxn SectionMarginRight vertdoc VerticalRender
min TimeMinute wbitmap PictureWindowsBitmap
mo TimeMonth wbmbitspixel BitmapBitsPerPixel
nocwrap NoWordBreak wbmplanes BitmapNumPlanes
nooverflow NoOverflow wbmwidthbytes BitmapWidthBytes
nosupersub NoSuperSub wmetafile PictureWindowsMetafile
nowwrap NoWordWrap xe NullDestination (index entry) 
objautlink ObjectAutoLink yr TimeYear
objclass ObjectClass zwj ZeroWidthJoiner
objcropb CropBottom zwnj ZeroWidthNonJoiner

Send feedback to MSDN.Look here for MSDN Online resources.

B36层 发表时间: 03-12-26 12:21

回复: qyj1030 [qyj1030]   论坛用户   登录

我们很爱大家呀 以下要回复才能够看见的[url=http://qyj1030.icpcn.com---

B37层 发表时间: 04-06-20 15:15

回复: lijingxi [lijingxi]   见习版主   登录
强烈谴责楼上的! 几年前的帖子你都翻出来了!

B38层 发表时间: 04-06-20 15:21

回复: www [wish259]   论坛用户   登录

B39层 发表时间: 04-06-20 15:51

回复: lijingxi [lijingxi]   见习版主   登录

B40层 发表时间: 04-06-20 16:16

论坛: 菜鸟乐园

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